Crystal Right is a filter medium that removes both manganese, iron, ammonium and H2S. Where necessary it corrects the pH. Crystal Right is used in combination with a chlorinator.  This chlorinator has 3 functions: 

  • Disinfection of the bed of Crystal Right  (it doesn’t disinfect water) which is particularly useful for weekend & summer houses​
  • Removal of ammonia in water
  • Functions also as a salt alarm. When the brine tank is empty, the alarm on the valve goes of

​​The chlorinator is a US patented tool & is used in combination with the Evolve valve.


Please take into account the following conditions for operation

  • Must have a minimum hardness of 51 ppm / 5.1 °F / 2.87° dH
  • At least 6.3 pH (measured in laboratory for CR100)
  • Minimum TDS 80ppm 
  • Irons needs to be Fe² = ferrous iron (dissolved & clear water)
  • Max. Σ (Mn; Fe)= 15ppm
  • Max. H₂S = 0.5 ppm
  • ​Water needs to be tested on site/at the well (pH and iron)